Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
August 3, 2016 1730
Call to Order/ Welcome new members: Meeting called to order at 1738, by Vice-President Serena Brown. Members present: Kathy, Betty, Terri, Bonnie, Herk, and Larry H.
Approve minutes July 6, 2016 meeting: M/S/C Emmons/Boorman to approve minutes as submitted
Officers Report:
A. President: No report
B. Treasure’s Report: No report
C. Logistics: No report
Action Items:
A. Discuss/Approve re-structuring and combining some of the Officer’s duties. – Tabled until September meeting.
Elections for Officers for the year of September 2016 through August 2017. – Tabled until September meeting.
A. President
B. Vice President
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
E. Logistics
Committee Reports:
A. EMS Support: Larry H. reported on a list of items that need to be ordered; had a lot of calls last week.
B. Station Maintenance: No report
C. Equipment Maintenance: Herk reported all equipment is in good working order. 2151 needed a new preemptive light. 2131 left the County for a fire.
D. Web Technology: Mike doing a great job keeping the website updated. Keep sending photos for him to put on the website.
E. Marketing: Discussion on possibly advertising on the big screen at the theatre for recruitment of firefighters and support services. Betty will talk to Lisa.
Open Forum and Topics for next meeting: Re-evaluate offices and possibly combine some/elections for offices. Discussion on membership and responsibilities, possibly go over the by-laws and restructure.
Adjourn at 1820 hrs.